Esports NewsTournaments

South Korean government shows support to IESF’s 11th Esports World Championship

When it comes to esports, South Korea is always one of the names that pop out. It’s regarded as the Mecca of competitive multiplayer games and one of the world’s most important esports centers. Now that the IESF 11’th championship is being held in Seoul, the Korean government has highlighted its support more than ever



In a press release made by the International Electronic Sports Organization (IESF), the new cooperation between them and the South Korean government was revealed through the Ministry of Sports Culture and Tourism (MCST) support, investing in the upcoming Esports World Championship 11 which will take place on Korean soil at the end of the year.

The new collaboration between IESF and MCST has seen an investment of US $250,000 for the event to be held in a way that enhances Korea’s national pride, with support from several official organizations for this major global event.

Cyber ​​athletes from around the world will come to represent their countries in a large event that includes 56 member countries, where participants will do their best to raise their flag high in the $25,000 prize challenge in its three games including Dota 2, Tekken 7 and eFootball PES 2020.

The IESF World eSports event will take place on December 11 and will run through December 15 in Seoul. You can visit the official website of the organization via the following link for more details and countries participating in the event.

It is noteworthy that the 11th championship will witness the participation of several Arab countries, most recently the Syrian Arab Republic through its newly established association, the Syrian Association for Electronic Sports SESA.

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Sam Edge

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