Esports News

Street Fighter V DLCs can be bought with in-game earned money

Capcom surprised us yesterday during the events of the fighting games’ tournaments convention EVO with its DLC plan announcement, which basically says Street Fighter V can get all of the additional content free-of-charge for playing the game.

Street Fighter 5 will be the first iteration in the franchise where it is possible for dedicated players to earn all gameplay related content (such as characters) for free, simply by playing the game,” Peter “Combofiend” Rosas said. “Long gone are the days of forced Super and Ultra upgrades! Enjoy free balance updates as soon as they become available, and find and choose the post-launch characters that you want to get.”

To achieve that, Capcom introduced “Fight Money” which is an in-game currency that can be obtained by playing the game as well as Zenny which is purchased with real money. Both can be used to buy DLCs as soon as they become available while the balancing updates are completely free. This allows the players to enjoy the game to its fullest even without paying additional amounts of money.

16 characters will be present at launch, 7 of which were confirmed previously – Ken, Ryu, M. Bison, Chun-li, Charlie Nash, Birdie, Cammy- and a new character that was revealed today by the name of Necalli. You can watch his gameplay trailer below.

Street Fighter V is coming to PC and PS4 next year, with a beta rolling out this week for PS4 players.

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Sam Edge

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