Esports News

Street Fighter V uses Unreal Engine 4, Might release in 2016

More news emerged about the first current-gen fighting game in the Street Fighter series, and it has been confirmed to be using the latest Unreal Engine edition to power up the graphics in the game.

“Our goal with the next generation of Street Fighter is to take our beloved fighting game franchise and bring it to our fans in the best way possible,” According to Capcom producer Bochan Kim.

“In order to fully deliver on that promise, we know we have to incorporate the latest and greatest technology available, which is why we partnered with Epic Games to power Street Fighter V using Unreal Engine 4.”

Worth mentioning that the game’s closest competition, Tekken 7, is using the same engine as well. UE4 is known to deliver stunning visuals with steady performance and ease to use.

In other news, we might have to wait for the game to be released until 2016. As Amazon recently listed the title for a 2016 release. What fueled the rumors is Capcom’s Tomoaki Ayano’s talk to Famitsu where he revealed that Street Fighter V is 20% complete as of now. So it might be hard for the game to hit a 2015 release.

Street Fighter V is due on PC and PS4 exclusively.

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Sam Edge

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