Esports News

Talks inside Konami about the next Metal Gear Solid

Maybe it was inevitable and bound to happen, but we didn’t expect to start hearing about it this soon. After the huge success of the latest game in Metal Gear Solid franchise “The Phantom Pain”, looks like Konami has started planning for what comes next. Despite series creator Hideo Kojima saying that “V” is the last game story-wise.

However, the final saying is Konami’s to make. The company spoke previously about continuing to deliver more Metal Gear Solid being committed to that series and others even with the recent focus on Mobile gaming and Pachinko machines. One Konami representative said that the firm is discussing the next game internally without being clear on Kojima’s involvement in development process.

“When we start development, a large-scale investment will become necessary,” Said the representative.

In other news, Konami officially closed Kojima Productions LA studios today. The LA-based studio was responsible for some aspects of The Phantom Pain and mainly the Online portion. It’s said in a statement that the decision was because of the recent restructure of the company and moving towards a more centralized process. PC release of Online won’t be affected and is still coming in its date.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is now available on PC, PS4/3 and Xbox One/360.

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Sam Edge

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