Esports News

This is how much time it takes to walk across all GTA games

One of the curious players out there took the time to measure up the exact time it takes to walk across the map in GTA games. If you ever wanted how long it would take you, well you now know.

Youtuber “TheyCallMeConor” did all the hardwork and put up this video that takes us in a trip back in time to revisit all of the GTA games since deception. Don’t worry, it won’t take you hours to watch, just 13 minutes that show glimpses of each game and the time required to walk from one side to the other.

Watch the whole thing below. It’s outstanding to see how much progress Rockstar achieved across the years and how big the game is now.

GTA V is now available on PC, PS4/3 and Xbox One/360.

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Sam Edge

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