Esports News

Those teenagers just won millions of dollars at Fortnite World Cup

Do you work for long years to raise your first million dollars, or do you participate and win a video games tournament during one weekend? The comparison may seem illogical, but this is what happened with those teenagers who dominated the Fortnite World Cup for Duos, coming out with millions of dollars



We are not only talking about “Nyhrox” and “Aqua” with their first place finish and the $3 million prize, but all of the top five teams whom received nearly $1 million ($900,000 for fifth place). What’s the amazing thing about it? That the average age of the participants in the finals is 16 years old, according to commentators on the largest electronic sports event so far.

The Fortnite World Cup is offering $ 30 million in prizes this week for its various events, most notably the Duo and the Solo tournaments, the latter of which will be held tonight. Despite the young age of the finalists, they have shown us some of the most competitive matches so far with a tremendous amount of skill that the naked eye can barely keep track of and interpret.

The victory of “Nyhrox” and “Aqua” came in the final with 51 points at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, away from second place “Rojo” and “Wolfiez” by four points. Elsewhere, Elvate and Ceice, North America’s most prominent players, came in third with 45 points in yesterday’s competition.

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One winner of the finals was the 15-year-old British teenager “Wolfiez” in second place and a $ 2.5 million prize, who has revealed that his mother never believed in the future of video games in the past, and that she threw his Xbox out of the house once. Now that he has established himself with his million dollar win, it is safe to say that his mother will continue to support him from now on.

As for the rest of the contestants and what they will do after the victory, many of them revealed their intention to buy a high-end PC and start the profession of live broadcast or streaming after reaching the world stage, especially with the advent of many of them from the shadows without a previous knowledge in the Fortnite scene. They will inevitably be some of the most important players in the future after proving their extraordinary abilities.

Final results:

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