Esports News

Transform epic NES classics to 3D with this emulator

There are few things that we don’t know we needed until they’re made, and this NES 3D emulator is one of them. This small program that can be ran directly from your web browser transforms NES titles into 3D games and lets us relive the classics in a modern way.

3DNES is a curious experiment that sat the internet on fire since the Beta release yesterday, which you can try out for yourself here.

We truly hope that Nintendo won’t do any actions against the project like it did before with other things, so try it out for yourself now just in case. Only Firefox is supported currently with more explorers to join later on.

You can also view some videos below where you can see Super Mario, Castlevania, Contra and more in 3D. There’s even a video for FPS Mario so what are you waiting for !

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Sam Edge

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