Esports News

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is gonna run on 1080p, 60fps

Naughty Dog’s latest game in the famous PS exclusive franchise Uncharted is aiming to be 1080p/60fps.

Naughty Dog’s community strategist Arne Meyer spoke to Eurogamer about The Last Of Us Remastered and how it helped the team to understand the PS4 better , which was translated as better results developing Uncharted 4.

“A lot of it was because we could try something out on our PS4 engine,” he said. “How far can we do it? Can we do a 1080p, 60fps game? We always wanted to do that, but for the types of effects we wanted to put on screen 720p30 was just fine. Now with the push to go even further that’s not fine enough. So we’re trying to rise to meet that kind of challenge too.

“I think that’s what we want to push for with anything we’re doing on this generation. That’s sort of the mandate from when we were building the PS4 engine. Let’s see if we can do this and hit it. We hit it with The Last of Us Remastered, so why not stick with this?”

So what do you think ? will it be a nice experience to be able to play an Uncharted game in 60 frames per second for the first time ? let us know about your excitement .

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Sam Edge

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