Esports News

Upcoming Hitman game will be releasing episodically

A new evolution in the way of delivering the upcoming Hitman game, and that’s by making it into several episodes. Square Enix decided to ditch the older model and employ an episodic format starting March 11.

The company talked about the new release saying that it’ll be “Full episodic AAA experience”. The first episode takes place in Paris, then we’ll be treated with Italy in April and Morocco in May and so on.

Every episode will be sold separately, with the first one being an Intro Pack that costs $15, then $10 for each other episode. After buying the first episode, players can buy the other ones either separately or by shelling $50 for the whole game, or just paying $60 upfront for all the episodes and contents.

“We decided to take the full leap and publish HITMAN as a truly episodic game experience,” said Hannes Seifert, studio head. “Part of that decision is for that little bit of extra time to ensure every location we release is at the quality level fitting for a Hitman game. But the main driving reason is that this will allow us to create a living game that will expand and evolve over time and establish a foundation for the future – this is the first game in a storyline which will continue and expand with future Hitman games.”

A physical release of the game will be releasing at the end of the year for the three platforms. You’ll then be able to either opt for the normal standard edition or the Collector’s Edition, which includes a figure of Agent 47, red necktie and clip, an artwork book, and the game itself.

Hitman release starts March 11, with the beta being in February 12 for PS4 and 19 for PC.

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Sam Edge

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