Esports News

This upcoming Nintendo game might be the first physical Esports title out there

Nintendo continues to impress us over the years, with every new console presented having a new way of playing like the Motion Control of the original Wii around ten years ago. The Japanese gaming giant outdone itself with its newest Switch console, combining everything we liked in the past in one package. In fact, that was the actual premise of the device when first unveiled to the world.

The tablet/console hybrid that you can connect to your TV or take it for a play on the go is amazing on its own right, but the included Joy Cons are in themselves a great addition as well. Each Joy Con is like an improved and enhanced small Wii remote, allowing players to control games by motion like the upcoming ARMS title.

ARMS importance exceeds being a fun game with family and friends, as it might become the first Esports competitive game that blurs the line between digital entertainment and physical activities. This is exactly what Kosuke Yabuki, game’s producer hopes with ARMS.

“I actually think ARMS might be the first game that has such depth with its technique in its motion controls,” Kosuke Yabuki told TIME. “I think it would be great if ARMS were to become an eSport, but it’s not quite clear yet whether Nintendo will go down that path and become a proper eSport.”

For us to witness the exciting matches of two people virtually-punching each other for a huge crowd, ARMS has to first become a commercial success. This is something that both Kosuke and Nintendo acknowledge, as the game should have a big enough fan base to boot up with.

Of course, ARMS isn’t the sole focus of Nintendo in the Esports field. Splatoon for example is coming back with its sequel for the Nintendo Switch and with it there will be some official tournaments for pro players.

ARMS releases June 16, and it’s getting a special event at next E3 where fighting games legends like Alex Valle will be competing on stage and more.

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Sam Edge

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