Esports News

Watch This Dragon Age: Inquisition trailer from GamesCom

Dragon Age: Inquisition probably was the high point of EA’s GamesCom conference, with a new trailer released and some new information and statics.

EA talked about the game a bit and said that, in Inquisition there’re 9 classes, over 20 specializations, 200 spells/abilities, 200 weapons, and 150 armours. you can also name the items you craft.

Game will take up to 200 hours of gameplay for you to complete everything in it, an average walkthrough of the main quest will take 20-30 hours. it’s also mentioned that there would be over 1 million word of dialogue in-game.

Dragon Age: Inquisition releases on PC, PS3/4 and Xbox One/360 in November.

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Sam Edge

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