Esports News

What the Big Four involvement means for Esports

It isn’t anything new for any of us right now that Esports is basically a huge thing, seeing more success each passing year with tournaments being fivefold in numbers, prize money rising from 5.5$ million in total in 2010 to $65 in 2016 and more. Today, this market is being looked at from high above, with big institutes starting to sink their fingers in.

Newzoo and SuperData are two small research centers that were doing just fine as of currently, they expected Esports to be worth over $1 Billion by 2019. However, the eyes are actually turned towards the Big Four research firms: PwC, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and KPMG, who have been getting into Esports stuff lately in a way that will surely benefit the business of this market.

Let’s be clear however, these companies have barely scratched the surface of Esports business depending on external data and asking questions. Still, getting reports and studies from firms that do things a lot bigger than Esports will surely be great for everyone involved, with big names investing in the market and global players according to PwC’s Chris Lederer who believes in the Esports potential.

So what does it mean for these names to be involved in the research business? More competition to smaller-scale centers like Newzoo and SuperData which results in more accurate studies that will be of a good use to a lot of people out there definitely.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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