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What’s going on with Fortnite? Here’s what we know about The End event

Panic spread among millions of players as they watched their favorite Battle Royale game, Fortnite, shrinking to nothing, in its newest events that ended with the 10th and final season of Fortnite.



We had learned of a huge event coming to the game according to previous leaks, but what we did not expect it to nuke the game completely as it happened a few hours ago. Nearly 6 million online viewers watched the end of the tenth season of the game, which was the explosive conclusion in every sense of the word.

The end with a huge detonation wiped out the entire game and turned it into a black hole. When we say he has wiped out the whole game, we mean it. When you try to play Fortnite you will find that you can not do anything, it is currently just a screen with a black hole only. Not only was the end of the game, but Epic Games also erased the vast majority of Fortnite’s official Twitter tweets and Trello’s posts, suggesting that a whole new start is about to kick off.

Although the black hole is still present on the players’ screens, the developer evoked their curiosity by showing several numbers within the same hole, which players later discovered as a secret code of some kind when they translated 11, 146, 62, 15, 62, 87 , 14, 106, 2 using the Visitor Tapes that were found before the event, resulting in the words “I was not alone” and “Others were outside the loop”.

That’s not all. Players have also noticed they can’t buy Fortnite Save The World at the moment of The End, and you won’t be able to buy V-bucks, Red Strike or the P-1000 package anymore. All this suggests that StW will be free after a long wait, something Epic has long promised, and the new launch of Battle Royale may be related.

So when will this madness end? According to leaks of data within the game files, it seems that the end of this event is coming very soon, namely within a few hours from now with the finding of two lines named “kevin_says_hello” and “survey_br_nick_001” indicating the start and end of two events in Fortnite world.

The first line indicates an event that will end at 5:07 PM EST while the other one at 6:07 PM. This may not be really accurate. We haven’t seen anything happening yet, but it’s very likely that the next few hours will, of course, carry the end of this madness as millions of players wait to re-enter the game.

The new start will be called Chapter 2 according to the leak and will carry a whole new map, new characters and possible gameplay changes in itself, so stay tuned for the new start by following the livestream of the game on Youtube here.


اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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