Esports News

Working at Ubisoft looks really fun with this internal tournament

Who said video games tournaments are only held at big arenas and streamed on Twitch? One of the many things you might did not know about Ubisoft is that it regularly holds a tournament for its employees where they compete in their free time joined together by their passion.

Gaming at lunch time isn’t a stranger to game companies, but Ubisoft took it to a whole new level with Ubisoft Gaming League, which is an actual tournament with prizes and teams and everything you can find at any other Esports event.

Hundreds of colleagues compete in various games like League of Legends, Just Dance, Street Fighter, and Fifa. This is the 3rd championship to be held by Ubisoft, and it now has commentators, admins, closed arenas, and prizes. If this wasn’t the company responsible for developing big AAA games we would’ve thought these are pictures of an actual Esports event.

You can watch a collection of images below. We surely would like to work at Ubisoft one day!

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Sam Edge

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