Esports News

You can recruit Hideo Kojima to your base in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Konami might have succeeded in removing “Kojima”s name from the covers of the last game in the stealth action franchise, but they can’t remove his existence inside it. Looks like you can even recruit him to your Mother Base as a staff member to do work for you.

To get “Hideo” in Diamond Dogs’ Mother Base, you’ll first need to have rescued him in MGSV: Ground Zeroes, then importing your save into The Phantom Pain. After that, the legendary developer will appear upon the finishing of “Where Do The Bees Sleep” mission. Don’t miss the chance because Hideo has some amazing stats including an S rating in Intel and A++ in R&D.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is now available on PC, PS4/3 and Xbox One/360.

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Sam Edge

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