Esports News

You’ll need this many hours to complete Rise of the Tomb Raider

Developers at Crystal Dynamics revealed the exact playtime to expect from their latest Tomb Raider title that is coming as a timed-exclusive this holiday on Xbox consoles.

It looks like we’re looking at an adventure title that spans around 15-20 hours of game time according to the latest interview for the game. However, this will only be sufficient for the main story campaign while it’ll take longer if you love to play around and explore.

“Expect to spend around 30-40 hours getting everything done. This is gathering every weapons, ability and completing every side quest, It all comes down to how you want to play through the game. Running through the game will take you around 15 – 20 hours. So expect double the play time collecting everything and exploring every secret tomb.” said lead designer Mike Brinker.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming November 10 for Xbox One and Xbox 360, while it might release early next year on PC and later on for PS4.

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Sam Edge

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