Video Games News

Apex Legends passes Fortnite in one of its record numbers

It may seem surprising to some, but many have seen Apex Legends ability to challenge Fortnite for the throne of the famous Battle Royale genre, and the figure revealed today confirms that


Apex Legends, with its first week, had seen some incredible fame with more than 2 million players playing at one time, thanks to its free to play model, lack of huge problems compared to other similar games, and the introduction of a number of new concepts to the Battle Royale style made it more enjoyable and distinctive. Although Respawn Entertainment game did not maintain the same crazy growth rate we saw in the first week, it managed to break a record with its players steadily increasing.

It has been revealed that the number of players has reached 50 million players worldwide in the first month since the launch of the game, a number that surpassed Fortnite’s record at the start of its Fortnite Battle Royale fame. Interestingly, Apex Legends has managed to reach a quarter of the total Fortnite players currently estimated at close to 200 million players in this short period of time, making the ball at Respawn field now to provide new content to keep the game alive and possibly replace Fortnite someday. We have yet to see Apex on the smartphones and rumors say that it’s under development.

Despite the positive news about the game, it still has a few problems that annoy a section of players, such as unwarranted Crashes and unequal Hitboxes of all characters. Fixes for these problems are currently under way and players will be pleased to learn that the dev’s CEO has revealed that his team is approaching the launch of the first Battle Pass content, which will provide players with new costumes and free glamorous accessories.

Haven’t tried the game yet? We recommend that you read our character guide before entering the battlefield so that you can determine your favorite character for your play style!

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Sam Edge

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