Esports News

Epic historical battles find their place on a virtual landscape with Clash of Kings Dubai tournament

Clash of Kings is considered to be one of the most successful strategy mobile games on the internet, with huge following of players from all around the world. The enjoyable historic battles captivated the hearts of millions thanks to the game’s fun nature and simplistic smart phone experience that you can take anywhere you go


With more than 65 million downloads worldwide in the first year of the game’s release, including 3 million downloads in the Middle East/North Africa region, Clash of Kings cemented its position as one of the more popular smart phone titles. A brave approach to the eSports market saw multiple successful events held in the US, China, and now Dubai is the next destination.

The event called Clash of Kings World Cup gathered more than 60 players to compete in the tournament December 22 on Friday, 4PM to 8PM. The winning team gets iPhone 7 devices as a reward for all of its members. However, event attendants will also have a shot at winning 5 smartphones through a free to enter raffle.

Clash of Kings World Cup will be covered by multiple media outlets with presence of many Saudi celebrities. The event will be streamed online at the game’s Facebook page, but if you prefer to be there in person then you can head over to Hub Zero, Dubai and be in the center of the action December 22.

Clash of Kings is a game based on old world’s medieval civilizations where players can control any army they want. The goal as the king of that civilization is to form an army players can lead to attack enemies, fortify castle and protect it. The game has unique chat rooms that support text and voice messages between players online through Public and Private rooms. To connect everyone from around the world an auto-translation system was put to work here, so you’ll always understand what everyone is talking about regardless of language.

Clash of Kings

Despite not having an Arabic civilization ready for the game yet, developers are hard at work to bring one to the Middle East players next year as they believe Arab players play a big role in the future of the game.

You can follow the official Facebook page for the latest updates:

Clash of Kings Facebook

Watch the previous events through official Youtube channel:

Clash of Kings Yotube

Download the game and join the fight:

Google PlayiTunes

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Sam Edge

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