Dota 2Esports News

Dota 2 is getting a co-op campaign.. sort of

From a competitive online game played by pros all over the world to a ..story based game? Not quiet, but, Dota 2 is getting a co-op campaign mode that you can try with your friends pretty soon.

Fans of Valve’s famous online Moba will be getting “Siltbreaker” mode this year, which is the closest it can get to an actual story mode. This co-op mode is divided into two acts, the first of which releases later this month and the other in July.

The campaign sees groups of four friends (or matchmade strangers) “undertake a cooperative adventure into the blackest depths of Dark Reef”, and ask them to traverse a “diverse landscape of loathsome monsters, cunning traps, and other lethal terrors.” Every time you play you’ll earn campaign XP, with “an exclusive Desert Sands Baby Roshan” available on the Wheel of Rewards.

Bad news is that it won’t be free as it’s only available to Battle Pass holders. Good news? well.. we all know you were going to spend those $10 anyway.

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Sam Edge

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