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South Korean presidential candidate uses Overwatch to attract young voters

In South Korea.. video games are the way to voters hearts, apparently.

StarCraft had always been the most popular example on the gaming culture in South Korea. However, Overwatch is becoming just as popular recently with more players every day. Of course, presidential candidate Sim Sang-jung wouldn’t miss the chance to tap into that, with a clever video for her campaign to get to the young voters.

We’ve seen the other candidate Moon Jae-in’s use of StarCraft maps in his campaign last month, but this video steals the spot light. “Sim” is shown getting Play of the Game after destroying her competition and later using her Ultimate.. just watch below:

Sim is running against four other major candidates in South Korea’s presidential race. The election, scheduled for May 9, comes after the dismissal of former President Park Geun-hye after her involvement in a South Korean political scandal.

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Sam Edge

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