Dota 2Esports News

Dota 2 The International 9 prize pool is on its way to become the biggest ever

It’s that time of the year with the release of the annual Battle Pass, the item that gives fans the power to directly contribute to the grand prize for the big Dota 2 tournament The International, which is on its way to become the biggest yet this year


Although the TI9 Battle Pass has only been made available to purchase 24 hours ago from the official game store, fans have given Dota 2’s The International 9 an unprecedented records and is on the way to being the biggest tournament in the history of the game thanks to massive sales of the new pass, which contributes in 25% of its sales to the total prize for the tournament plus $1.6 million from Valve.

According to the Wykrhm Reddy account on Twitter, The International 9 achieved the biggest opening day in history, bringing together $5.8 million in just 24 hours with a total of $7.4 million so far, an insane figure and the sole biggest growth so far between The International editions, with an increase of $1.75 million over last year’s figure.

That number represents the biggest difference between the last five years, which used to see no more than $800,000 between each edition and the next. If it continues, it is easy to see The International 9 achieve a record never seen before in the world of esports awards, which is indicative of the continued popularity of Dota 2 despite its long presence on the scene for such a long time.

This year’s Battle Pass comes not only with a number of cosmetic awards, but also includes special game modes such as Wrath of the Mo’rokai, which require players to feed special creatures to help them fight their opponents, as well as Jungle Expedition and Coach’s Challenge Mode Which allows the players to take the role of coach and lead a team of low-level players to win.

The TI9 Battle Pass content is now available for purchase starting at $ 9.99, with Valve providing the ability to buy levels if you do not have time to acquire it by playing new modes for $ 29.35 per 50 level and $ 44.99 for all 100 levels.

Battle Pass will continue until the beginning of the International 9, scheduled for August 20.

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Sam Edge

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