Video Games News

Dragons start to appear in Apex Legends, here’s what they do

The mythical creatures began to appear throughout Apex Legends map after weeks of waiting for their apperance, being leaked by data mining the game files


Although the second season, which some of us learned some details of during E3 2019 has not yet come, the small dragons, called Flyers, began to appear in King’s Canyon with few surprises in their possession. What are those surprises? In fact, they are Death Box boxes of players who have died on the battlefield, carrying their Loot.

These dragons appear randomly, and if you shoot them, they will drop the box to the ground giving you the chance to get extra Loot, but be careful your enemies can see the dragon as well and may use it as bait to lure other players.

Changes will not be limited to the flyers comes season 2. According to the presentation at E3, we may see huge creatures inside the map too, perhaps the dinosaur-like monsters on the map’s borders, which the players have noticed gradually approaching the land a few days ago.

There’s no doubt that it’s going to be really interesting, especially as players are looking for new information suggesting that the dragons may not continue to be friendly at the start of the second season of the game. Will we be on a date with PvE fights soon? We have to wait until next month to find out.


اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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