Esports News

ELEAGUE launching Mortal Kombat 11 Showdown with its new multi-view tool

Upcoming ELEAGUE tournament of the new action game Mortal Kombat 11 will come with a unique viewing experience, with the Multi-Viewer system allowing viewers to follow more than one match at a time and switch around easily


ELEAGUE Mortal Kombat 11 Showdown is the upcoming esports event that will bring together the world’s most famous fighting games community figures in a 13-week competition that kicks off on May 1, giving four hours to all contestants every week to win the most online games to get the highest number of points overcoming their competitors.

The entire event will be shown via the ELEAGUE channel on Twitch, but if you choose to head over to you can utilize the new and improved Multi-view experience, allowing the viewer to choose any broadcast of any player at any time, with the ability to watch two matches in one screen. The Multi-view system provides a collection of player broadcasts in one place and provides smooth navigation without any lag.

David “UltraDavid” Graham and Ryan “Mr. Aquaman “Kablik are returning to comment on the matches in the official broadcast, where they will move between different players throughout the competition which will last until July 24.

The new Showdown event is the second of its kind for the game, as we saw a similar competition during the Beta period where players used the five beta characters in the event. Players included BC|HoneyBee, tru3ta1ent, Killer Xinok, END|Scar and more, and are expected to come back again in addition to other prominent names such as FOX|SonicFox.


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Sam Edge

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