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Evil Geniuses removes one of its core Dota 2 players

After a not so impressive year, famous Dota 2 team Evil Geniuses is saying farewell to one of its longest-standing players.

Previously considered one of the best offlaners in the world, Saahil “UNiVeRsE” Arora was one of the key players of the TI5 winning roster. However, with the year ending with Evil Geniuses finishing in seventh place at The Summit, something had to be changed.

“The decision to reconfigure the roster without him as a part of it was not one taken lightly,” Evil Geniuses COO Philip Aram wrote in the official press release.

This ends the 28-year-old offlaner’s time with the team after having returned to it last year. With the player nearing his thirties, we don’t think there will be a third time coming back.

Along with the removal of UNiVeRsE, the organization has also added former OpTic Gaming support player Rasmus “MiSeRy-” Filipsen to the roster—as well as shifting the role of former support Clinton “Fear” Loomis, who will be occupying a core role in 2018, although whether that is as a carry or mid laner hasn’t been specified. Meanwhile, Syed Sumail “SumaiL” Hassan will be taking over as offlaner for the team.

The organization has also changed the team’s coaching staff, as coach Avery “SVG” Silverman has been replaced by Kanishka “BuLba” Sosale.

These changes are among the most radical for the Evil Geniuses roster in nearly two years, so we hope it’ll be well worth it going into 2018.

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Sam Edge

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