Esports News

Facebook hires pro player Snoopeh as its Esports interest increases

The social media giant had its interest showing in Esports when we saw the deal with Activision in live broadcasting its tournaments and implementing social features in its games. Now, Facebook is looking into hiring pro players to help organize some stuff and attract streamers to its new live platform.

A report says that Facebook recently hired Stephen “Snoopeh” Ellis, a former League of Legends pro player who’s spent his post League career building business relationships with streamers and developers for companies like Unikrn and Repable.

According to sources, Ellis’ hiring is part of a larger initiative within Facebook to target developers and pro players to bring their streaming sessions over to Facebook’s video platform.

If the sources are to be believed, it’s a move to cut in on Twitch and Youtube’s territory. Let’s see what Facebook can offer on the long run to appeal to Esports fans then.

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Sam Edge

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