Esports News

Fan project turns Final Fantasy VII into a 2D beat-em-up

Looks like Square Enix isn’t the only one remaking the Final Fantasy VII game, as a group of fans recently released a demo of their project which turns the famous RPG game into a 2D action beat-em-up title the elk of Streets of Rage.

Called “Final Fantasy 7 Re-imaginged”, this project currently has only one level which you can download for free from the official website of the team. The game was made using Unity engine and stars Cloud and Tifa. No one knows when Square Enix might send a cease and desist letter to take it down just like previous efforts, so be sure to download it if you want to experience this reimagination.

Meanwhile, the official remake that was announced last E3 is coming at some point in the future for PS4 at first then other consoles.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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