Esports News

The Witcher 3’s MODkit officially released

Even though we’ve already saw some mods for the action-RPG title The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the official support to the modding scene by the developer CD Projekt RED is now present to make things easier to make.

Called MODkit, the official mod tool can now be downloaded from Nexus and allows you to modify mesh, textures and environments. This translates to modified characters and terrain as it also allows modders to modify scripts to add their own ideas.

This might get interesting, as RPGs have always been better with game-changing mods, just look at how Skyrim is after almost 5 years of its release.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

لاعب شغوف يحب تجربة كافة أنواع الألعاب ومتابع لأخبارها ونواحيها المختلفة. ليست لديه أدنى مشكلة في العودة للعب بعض الألعاب الكلاسيكية القديمة بين الحين والآخر كونه مايزال يظن بأن ذلك كان العصر الذهبي للألعاب.

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