Video Games News

Fortnite popular streamer Ninja is the new face of Twitch

You may have heard of the name “Ninja” if you’ve visited the popular streaming website Twitch these past couple of months. Previously a Halo pro player, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is now the world’s most popular Fortnite streamer, and he’s doing very well on his own


The fame of Tyler “Ninja” Blevins keeps rising up as the Fortnite streamer shattered the 100,000 subscriber mark on the livestreaming platform. Ninja recently reached 50,000 subscribers on Feb. 22. That means that he has more than doubled his sub count since then, thanks to consistent marathon streams of Fortnite: Battle Royale and an audience that regularly reaches over 70,000 viewers.

With 100,000 subs (and growing) at a rate of earning half of the $5 subscriptions that Twitch offers (with other tiers of $9.99 and $24.99 as well), Ninja will earn no less than $250,000 per month. But in reality, it’s more than that. Odds are he receives a higher cut than the base 50/50 split that Twitch offers streamers with subscriptions, plus he receives donations on top of that. At this rate, Ninja could easily pull in over $3 million in a 12-month period with his sub count alone.

You can watch Ninja’s daily stream right here.



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Sam Edge

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