Esports NewsLeague of Legends

Best places to work and Riot Games is on the list

The worldly recognized business magazine Fortune recently released a new issue listing the 100 best places to work all around the globe, and two gaming companies snatched places.

If you’re one of League of Legends super fans who wishes to work at Riot Games one day, you’ll be pleased that the development studio came 39 in the list of the best 100 companies. Representative said about the inclusion it “means a lot to us” and “we know we’ll always have more work to do”.

Not only Riot Games, Activision Blizzard also had its share coming at No. 77 in the magazine. This also pleased CEO Bobby Kotick who spoke on the manner.

Fortune’s recognition is especially meaningful because it reflects how our employees feel about the culture we’ve built together,” Kotick said. “Everything we do starts with our employees’ talent, inspired creativity, and commitment to excellence. They are the reason why Activision Blizzard is a great place to work.”

The companies were chosen based on how happy the employees are via a survey. Google came first which was no surprise. For the full list head to Fortune‘s official website.

Riot and Activision are currently hiring for jobs, so maybe this is your golden chance?

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

لاعب شغوف يحب تجربة كافة أنواع الألعاب ومتابع لأخبارها ونواحيها المختلفة. ليست لديه أدنى مشكلة في العودة للعب بعض الألعاب الكلاسيكية القديمة بين الحين والآخر كونه مايزال يظن بأن ذلك كان العصر الذهبي للألعاب.

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