League of LegendsVideo Games News

Big hit expected for Quinn’s dominance with upcoming patch 8.15

Quinn is probably on the way to get Nerf with upcoming patch 8.15, according to League of Legends stats site Champion.gg.



She currently has the best win rates in three different positions in North America, according to League of Legends stats site Champion.gg—top, jungle, and bot lane. If that isn’t indicative of her current status as an OP champion, we don’t know what is.

Quinn deals a ton of burst damage early in the game, which is something most marksmen can’t brag about. This has allowed her to compete with high-damage non-marksman bot lanes in the current Meta, and with huge nerfs to Guinsoo’s Rageblade in Patch 8.13, she’s even stronger than Kai’Sa now, too.

Not only was her kit designed to thrive in a Meta like this, but the addition of the Stormrazor has opened her up to power through other lanes, too. Having the guaranteed crit strike at the opening of her combo adds even more potent burst to her kit, and the item allows her to scale harder than her old full-lethality build without sacrificing much early damage.

Right now If you still want to play ranked and you want a good champion for almost any role, Quinn is the best option for you. And Patch 8.15 should arrive next week.

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