League of LegendsVideo Games News

Janna will get power changes with upcoming patch in League of Legends

At the forefront of the Ardent Censer and Redemption meta has stood Janna. She’s been there for a long time; Janna is very hard to deal with. It’s time to change that.



For starters, her Howling Gale (Q) and Eye of the Storm (E) are taking flat, no-nonsense nerfs across the board. Her Q’s cooldown is being jacked up by three seconds at all ranks, starting at a whopping 17 seconds at rank one. That means she’ll have to be very careful as to when she uses it to help her ADC, and she’ll almost be forced to use it defensively. If she wastes it offensively, her lane will be hamstrung for a long window and vulnerable for ganks.

Likewise, her E is also getting a higher cooldown, as well as a higher mana cost. It will now be a 13-second cooldown across the board, up from 11, and mana costs are being increased by 20 at all ranks, making it much less spammable.

Her W, Zephyr, is undergoing a bit of a rework. First off, its damage is being lowered by a lot, and its mana cost is being dropped completely. It will now restore a small amount of mana every time it’s used, but the cooldown is staying the same, so it’ll only be used once every 12 seconds or so. This essentially negates the increased mana cost on the E, but the lowered damage turns this into a sustainability ability, which means it should be available less when it’s needed in fights.

Janna’s nerfs are set to hit the live game in Patch 7.17.

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