Esports News

Lara Croft’s latest adventure could land on PC very soon

Looks like Microsoft’s exclusivity deal is coming to an end, sort of. In a new leak by Amazon, Rise of the Tomb Raider may be coming as soon as January.

It’s not really a surprise for the game to come to PC as we already knew it had a timed-exclusive deal, but we didn’t think it would be coming this fast. Apparently, Amazon listed a PC version of the title with the release date of January 29 2016, less than 4 months after its release on Xbox One.

The weak sales of the game might have contributed. Crystal Dynamics’ latest was released in the same day as Fallout 4 which led to poor sales numbers that failed to exceed the first title’s day-one sales even after a week.

We will be waiting for the official announcements to see if we’re going on an adventure with Lara Croft on PC again next January. PS4 players will have to wait until a full year passes for the home consoles exclusivity deal to expire.

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Sam Edge

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