Esports News

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain release date will be revealed soon

Millions of fans all over the world are still waiting for any news on the most anticipated entry in the classic stealth franchise Metal Gear Solid titled The Phantom Pain. Ever since the game’s announcement over two years ago we still haven’t had our hands on a specific release date from Konami nor from Kojima himself.. but that’s about to change very soon.

New information about the game will be revealed soon enough at the Taipei Game Show January 31, according to the latest Kojima Station webcast episode.

“I know you’ve all been eagerly await for word on releasing timing, I think we should be able to announce that soon, so look forward to that.” Said one of Kojima Productions’ staff “It’s only a little longer.”

The game will enter bug testing phase soon after the team is done with implementing the newly-introduced element into the game’s world, so a release might be in the near horizon.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain releases on PC, Xbox One/360 and PS3/4.

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Sam Edge

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