Esports News

Mosaad Al Dossary wins Xbox at Gfinity FIFA 19 LQE and reaches grand final

Saudi world champion, MSDossary, has added a new title to his career as he won the Xbox platform at FIFA 19’s Gfinity LQE, managing to reach the grand final against the PlayStation champion


Although Mosaad did not eventually get the title, he managed to prove himself as one of the best players again through his superiority in the finals of Xbox in the tournament from start to finish, where he played the final match against the veteran rival Lucas “DaXe” Cuillerier, 2017 world champion.

The match between Al-Dossary representing Rogue and DaXe from Paris Saint-Germaine gave us a great performance showcase for the Saudi player, who managed to win the match with a 3-2 score for the Xbox title, qualifying to play against Nicolas “nicolas99fc” Villalba, who in turn won his PS4 title by defeating the Asian player WEB “Nasri”.

Despite his impressive performance in front of “nicolas99fc”, MSDossary was unable to win the LQE event this month, with strong opposition from FC Basel player in a final that ended with him winning the Gfinity LQE of March.

Al Dossary feat is still impressive, as he reached his second consecutive final in a month, and will be an important training for the upcoming eNations World Cup, which Saudi Arabia will participate in and will be represented by Al Dossary and a number of prominent Saudi players at FIFA 19.

Congratulations “MSDossary” and we hope you will win in the upcoming tournaments!

You can watch the entire game via the broadcast on Twitch on Gfinity Official Channel.

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Sam Edge

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