Video Games News

New Call of Duty is a “game changer” and will be revealed soon

If Rob Kostich, the head of Activision’s publishing office, is to be believed, this year’s Call of Duty seems to be unique in more than one way, a recent earnings call from the massive video game company reveals


The next Call of Duty game, rumored to be from the Modern Warfare series, will be unveiled before June 30, according to Rob, meaning that we are getting closer to the first look at the new title. What is interesting here is the description of the new game, which will be “rooted in some of the franchise most important history,” adding to rumors that it’s going to be Modern Warfare 4.

Not just that, but Mr. Kostich also talked about the fact that the new game will be a “Game changer” for fans, with an epic storyline that sees the series return to its roots, a surprising decision from Activision, which once said that multiplayer games are the future after abandoning the campaign in Black Ops 4 last year.

Kostich added that the company feels “incredibly good” about the new Infinity Ward game, with developers working hard to provide additional ways to keep players interested as long as possible.

“We need to do even more to maintain the breadth of our Call of Duty player base beyond the launch quarters, and the Call of Duty team is hard at work on that for this fall’s big content release.”

Whatever the content, there is no doubt that we are thrilled to see what Activision is doing this time. It is interesting to see the 180-degree change-of-heart of Activsion to include campaigns again. If the talk of the former Activision employee carries some truth, we may get two Modern Warfare games simultaneously this year with the new version of Modern Warfare 4 and a remake of Modern Warfare 2, As we saw in 2016 with the launch of Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare 1 Remake.

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Sam Edge

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