Video Games News

New Call of Duty title leaked? Former dev debunks Infinite Warefare 2 rumors

Soon after rumors emerged that the 2019 version of the famous Call of Duty game was actually Infinite Warefare 2, one of its worst-selling sub-series, it did not seem to really be the case at all because of new news that denied it



Although the best-selling 2016 game – something CoD has done every year since ever- Infinite Warefare is one of the least successful and perhaps least popular game of the franchise. The game, which was due to start a new sub-series in the world of Call of Duty has been criticized several times ever since the presentation of the ad, which was the worst rated in YouTube with the most Dislikes in the history of games trailers, and Battlefield 1’s return to older, more realistic style has made my fans CoD really angry at the future science fiction trend of this release, prompting them to boycott its purchase that year.

Luckily (or bad luck if you’re a fan of that version), it seems we will never get a second part, according to Robert Bowling, a former developer of the famous shooter series, who spoke to his Twitter followers: “You will never get Infinite Warefare 2. ”

Although he has left his job with Activision, it is safe to say that his knowledge of the series goes beyond anyone else outside development. Not only did Bowling deny the rumors, he also hinted that We’re going to have “a modern shooting game this year, there’s no need to worry,” referring to the return of the series perhaps to the present time, prompting fans to speculate that we might get Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 4 after a long wait. Seven years to be exact.

With the 2018 game being of the Black Ops series, it is safe to say that fans’ guesses may be true. The Modern Warefare series has been characterized with present era setting with a simple and realistic technical advances. If that is the case, we may see Activision return to the single player mode to satisfy the fans who did not like the total absence of it in the Black Ops 4, especially as the story of MW is one of its strongest points. In fact, we had seen an Infinity Ward application form last month suggesting a return to single player campaigns using Next Generation Technologies.

As for the Battle Royale mode, which was introduced with Blackout in Black Ops 4, we are likely to see a different version of it in Modern Warefare 4 that is more realistic, and we may see a map made up of a number of previous areas of the series as with Black Ops.

In any case, we will be waiting for more information on the new version over the next few months, with an expected launch date in November-October, as is the case every year for this series of games.


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Sam Edge

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