Video Games News

Students arrested in India for playing PUBG Mobile

Theft, murder, rape .. and PUBG Mobile? These are the charges that will put you behind the bars in India and specifically the Gujarat area, which has made the popular competitive video game a prohibited activity for its inhabitants0

Gujarat state, which houses more than 60 million people in India, has imposed a broad ban on PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, and more specifically its smartphones version PUBG Mobile, arresting a number of young people who were found playing the famous Battle Royale title with 16 people jailed last week.

“We have arrested these young people who were caught red-handed and taken into custody after finding them playing PUBG,” an official Indian police source said of the arrest of three students in Rajkot.

As you might expect, the news sparked an uproar in the Indian street, with many ridiculing PUBG Mobile as a crime punishable by law, while more serious matters should be a priority. Others were concerned about the fate of their favorite game, whose immense fame was a double-edged sword.

The ban on PUBG Mobile came from being “too addictive”, especially to school and university students, and was attacked by India’s politicians as “a demon in every house.” These criticisms are familiar to us, especially after a number of Arab countries banned the game for similar reasons.

“We were surprised by the decision of local communities in some cities to ban our game” PUBG Mobile speaks in a new statement. “We are working on understanding the legal basis for that ban, and we hope that we will be able to have constructive dialogues with authorities to explain our objectives and withdraw the prohibition.”

PUBG Mobile developers will find solutions that satisfy all parties by providing a “healthy gameplay system” that is designed to reduce the addictive behavior of some players, which may go down the road seen in other games on phones such as allowing players a certain number of games before a timer shows up forcing the player to wait until they can play again and so on.

In a related context, the new PUBG Mobile Club Open event, which promises to be the biggest award of the year, was recently announced, so if you are a professional player in the game, you may have to take a look at this world championship of e-sports.

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Sam Edge

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