League of LegendsVideo Games News

The new champion Kayn and tomorrow Patch 7.14 in League of Legends

The wait is almost over—Patch 7.14 will be here tomorrow, and that means Kayn will follow soon after, according to the official patch notes.

Kayn looks to be one of the most absolutely badass champions in League of Legends so far.

Here’s everything we know about Kayn, League’s newest champion.


Kayn will be the second champion in League history to have a transformation mechanic, alongside Gnar. It won’t be a transformation that he falls in and out of multiple times throughout the game, though. He’ll transform one time, and he’ll stay that way until the end of the game. When he transforms into one of his two alternate forms, he doesn’t get totally new abilities, either, they’ll just be altered accordingly.

You can charge up his forms by killing enemies. By taking down ranged targets, you fuel his Shadow Assassin transformation, which specializes in boosted mobility, high priority target damage, and more AoE damage. This form works best against teams with more ranged carries. His other form is his Darkin form. It is charged by killing melee targets, and as such, works best against melee champions. It has tons of self-healing and sustain paired with high percent-health damage. It still deals a ton of damage, but it’s a little slower, a little tankier, and a lot harder to kill


He will work best as a jungler, and he has a lot of mobility tools that will help him move around the jungle and gank unsuspecting laners from weird angles, such as a dashing ability and another that lets him walk through walls.

He also has crowd control in the form of a hard-hitting slow on his W, and an ultimate that lets him hijack the body of an enemy champion, both damaging them and sticking to them wherever they go for a short duration.

Soulhunter Kayn

Kayn will be available for purchase soon after the patch goes live tomorrow, so we won’t have to wait terribly long to get our edge on.

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