Video Games News

Ninja losses %90 of his subscribers as Shroud rises to the top of Twitch

Is the face of Twitch about to lose his reputation as the world’s most famous player? This may be the case with Twitch’s recent numbers, which revealed a list of the popular content creators on the live broadcast platform, with a decreasing number of Ninja subscribers

The former record holder with more than 263,000 subscribers last year and the most famous Fortnite player used to stand at the top of Twitch alone away from rivals in the past, but over the past few months, Richard “Ninja” Blevins has lost nearly 90% of subscribers to land In 11th place on the list of top content creators on Twitch, a sharp drop from any figure last year at the height of Fortnite fame.

From 263,000 subscribers to 25,000 at the moment, it seems that Ninja is struggling to keep his big fanbase in light of recent changes, notably Fortnite’s decline in popularity as the king of Battle Royale only to be replaced by the new Apex Legends. It also seems that a busy schedule made Twitch a secondary concern for the professional player, as he appeared on a number of television programs and events. Add to that the huge number of free Twitch Prime subscribers only to get Fortnite skins Fortnite and it is easy to see why this sharp decline happened to the subscribers of Ninja.

On the other hand, another famous Fortnite player that you may have heard of his name, “Tfue” climbed the list of Twitch celebrities to come second ahead of rival “Ninja” with 57 thousand subscribers. TimTheTatman was able to continue the climb to come third with 50,000 subscribers, followed by “Summit1G” and “DrDisrespect” with 43 thousand and 39 thousand subscribers, respectively.


نينجا يخسر معجبيه على تويتش فورتنايت Twitch subscribers count shroud ninja loses subscribers


So where is “Shroud” you might wonder? In fact, the retired CS: GO player was able to reach the very top at the beginning of the year, with 69,000 subscribers thanks to his recent intense streams, not to mention a very high level of skill in a large number of games, not just PUBG and CS: GO, entertaining dozens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of followers in a variety of games, including Apex Legends, where he had a strong performance in its first competition but could not achieve the first place coming behind both ChocoTaco and Ninja. Oh, have we mentioned that “Ninja” is becoming a professional Apex player these days? We have come to a full circle here folks.


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Sam Edge

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