Video Games News

PUBG is about to have one of CS: GO’s signature features and more in Update #25

The first update of 2019 for the massively popular Battle Royale pioneer PUBG will be launched within a few days, after having its run on Test Servers, and it’s looking to be one to look forward to

تحديث بابجي 25 pubg update 25 night weather new bizon smg canted sights

The new Update #25 will bring significant changes that will make the game more exciting. PUBG players will be welcoming the new concept of “Canted Sights” on their weapons, get a new feature coming from CS: GO and have a chance to play with a new weapon. Did we mention the arrival of the night weather for Vikendi map as well?

The update that is currently available on game’s test servers may be one of the most packed updates in the past few months, thanks to a long list of changes it will bring to the game. The most prominent of these changes is the introduction of the concept of Canted Sights, which will mean the possibility of installing two sights on a single gun, making it easier to cope with urgent situations.

تحديث بابجي 25 pubg update 25 night weather new bizon smg canted sights

AR, DMR, SMG and SR weapons will be equipped with an additional slot that enables you to add a secondary telescope to accompany another long range one. Did you put x4 on your SKS and an enemy near you made a sudden appearance? With the new update, you can instantly switch between x4 and red dot by pressing the alt + right mouse button (by default) to switch between these two perspectives, eliminating the need to go to your inventory list and switch between them manually.

Another equally important addition in the new update is the possibility to set the fire pattern by default from the settings menu in the game. Say goodbye to those times when you fired one shot at the enemy, thinking you had turned your weapon into Auto mode only to meet your doom right after. Now you’ll only need to worry about picking up the weapon and loading it with the necessary ammunition.

As for the Skins of the game, players will have a new box called “East Erangel Police Crate” that will be added with the new update and will provide a new type of weapons Skins, including special Skins called “BATTLESTAT” similar to the weapons “Startrak” in Counter-Strike : Global Offensive, which in turn shows the number of players who were not lucky to survive an encounter against you, or in other words the number of dead that you harvested with the weapon with the skin applied.

Vikendi will get two new additions in this update: a new vehicle called Snowbike, a miniature version of Snowmobile that already existed on the map, and the second addition is a new condition to the map’s weather, where players will finally get the night weather They wanted, appearing randomly and to provide fierce battles under the radiant moonlight.

تحديث بابجي 25 pubg update 25 night weather new bizon smg canted sights

Of course, the changes are not complete without mentioning the new weapon, Bizon, an SMG players may be familiar with from CS: GO and other shooting games. The new weapon has the highest number of ammunition in the game at a rate of 53 rounds, and has only two slots for attachements, namely the sights slot and the muzzle.

You can see the full list of new additions and bug fixes via the following link. Patch #25 is scheduled to be released on the 29th of this month, but is now available for download and testing on Test Servers via Steam.

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Sam Edge

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