Video Games News

PUBG Mobile celebrates 400 million downloads with new update

With more than 50 million players a day, PUBG Mobile has reached the top as one of the most popular games in history thanks to the smartphones version, which received new contents yesterday in the 0.13.0 update


The long awaited update carries several changes, including the addition of a new mode called Team Deathmatch, which puts two teams of four players against each other with the team getting 40 Kills first winning, all on a new map for this fast and violent style.

TDM is the biggest addition to the game since February this year when zombies modes were launched in collaboration with Resident Evil 2. However, PUBG Mobile’s 0.13.0 update has more than just a different mode. It has brought several other changes as a new Godzilla background and fixes for many game bugs, all of which can be seen through the official patch notes of the update.

Vikendi’s map also has its share of changes, and it’ll finally have one feature that was present in the PC version since it was first introduced, footprints and vehicle tracks on snowy terrain, which would help awake players locate their enemies.

Both Survive till Dawn and Darkest Night will be modified with new zombie monsters and a replacement to the police stations. The monsters have been replaced with four new ones with abilities such as “Tank” which can knock your friends and “Skinners” and their ability to slow down your movement. The police station was replaced with a factory signaling the inevitable end to the collaboration deal with Resident Evil 2.

Another change you will notice when you enter the game is the new climbing button to prevent the players from climbing obstacles by mistake when they try to jump from one place to another, which we also saw in the Steam version of the game with the ability to customize two separate buttons to jump and climb.

You can download the new update starting today when you play your game on your Android or iOS device, as well as the company’s Tencent Gaming Buddy emulator on PC.


اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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