Esports News

PUBG Mobile GCC Cup events come to an end, and here are the winners

After many hours of intense competition in Dubai on Saturday evening, November 10, these are the Arab teams that managed to win PUBG Mobile’s first and largest championship in the region so far, PUBG Mobile GCC Cup


The story of these champions began a few weeks ago with hundreds of teams from all over the Arabian Gulf joined in the Gulf Cup qualifiers with the intent of making it into the finals, with 12 teams making it past the competition. The story continued on Friday 9th of November, which saw the visitors’ day event where another opportunity was given for eight more teams to qualify and reserve their seats in the PUBG Mobile GCC Cup finals in a Best-of-five competition.

Now, on Saturday, November 10th, the main event, attended by 20 teams, took place at HubZero Dubai with a prize pool of $10,000 on the line, along with Samsung Galaxy Note 9 phones and, of course, the chance to attend the global PUBG Mobile Star Challenge Championship later this month taking place in Dubai as well.

With all of these things at stake, the players set out with great determination to win the first game, which saw a strong and unexpected conflict that saw teams confronting each other left and right. As the number of players decreased around the map and the playing space was constantly reduced, we had few teams competing for the first Chicken Diner and the largest number of Kills possible. And indeed, GG_Gamers, Pitlords and Viper teams were able to score the most amount of points with GG_Gamers coming out on top to prove that they are deserving of their seat.

Comes second round, the challenge is clear: the goal is to topple the first-place team and climb to the top. That’s what Khsteam tried to do when it scored a “Chicken dinner” after a faceoff with Pitlords in a struggle for the second match of the day. However, GG_Gamers kept the lead in the number of Kills being the biggest but saw the gap closing between the top three in total points with only 25 points separating them from each other.

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As we approached the final two rounds, the pressure on the teams to try to reach the top was high. Despite all of the great performances, Noobs team player comes off as a worthy mention reaching third place with 12 Kills, but Saudi Khsteam had the upper hand once again with a second Chicken win in the third round. Regardless, the GG_Gamers continued to dominate and maintain the lead thanks to a combination of high kills and Top 5 placement, securing first place with 1455 points followed by Arab Madness, who came second in the round.

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The fourth and last round was perhaps one of the most engaging in the tournament, with a strong struggle for all teams ending with a strong victory for the top place team GG_Gamers soaring away from the competition with nearly 500 extra points to move a new step closer to holding the title. While the tension for second place increased between Arab Madness and Khsteam.

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The fifth round proved to be a round of surprises. After more than 20 minutes in a competition which rules were turned upside down with FPP perspective change, we finally had our representative of the first Arab world in the global PUBG Star Challenge championship, as the winning team refused to budge from its place despite the change of perspectives: GG_Gamers with a deserving Chicken Diner. As for the second-place winner, it was Arab Madness which showed some amazing plays throughout the event, but it wasn’t enough to overthrow GG which had nearly a thousand points advantage.

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The awards were given to the three winners in front of hundreds of viewers at the HubZero arena and on the Internet, marking the end of a historic event of PUBG Mobile players in the Arab world, with a special presence of representatives from the development studio in addition to a number of cosplayers who brought the characters of the game to life.

It was an exciting event that saw a number of famous Arab Youtubers lending their commentary to the wonderful competition such NeroGamer 55, GamesMzuuoon, Hala Sherif from Egypt, Pro Dubai (Lotfi) from Jordan and (Leg3nd) from Palestine.


Congratulations to the winners and best of luck to all the participants. We hope to meet you later on in upcoming competitions! As for the champions GG_Gamers and Arab Madness we will be seeing them later in few weeks at the global competition PUBG Mobile Star Challenge with its main event 31 November. We wish the best for the teams representing the Arab world!

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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