Video Games News

PUBG pan turns into a deadly flying weapon in Season 5 and more

The popular PlayerUknown’s Battlegrounds pan looks set to have new use soon, with the fifth season update of the popular Battle Royale PUBG for Steam and home consoles, coming with a number of new features and improvements



The new update follows PUBG Corp’s seasonal layout, which will be followed by the fifth season, which will carry a number of new features, most notably new spike traps to catch enemy cars and the ability to throw tools and melee weapons, including the famous pan.

Thanks to the new throwing feature, you’ll be able to throw ammunition and health items to your team in the middle of a firefight without having to get close to their position in the middle of a fire, in a way similar to the bomb throwing system in the game. The new throwing feature is not limited to items, but also extends to melee weapons such as cleaver, sickle and of course frying pan, which for some reason has more harm than all other weapons, making it a suitable weapon for some funny and creative assassinations, not limited to close distances as before.

Another new change in the fifth season is a rework of the Miramar desert map, which will get a similar treatment to the previous Erangel update. This includes reducing clutter around the map, as well as changes in the Loot rate increasing the long-range weapons percentage significantly in the map, while pistols will be reduced by 31%. The Win94 weapon will get a 2.7x scope for medium distances as well, and a new area will be added to the map.

Furthermore, Miramar will have two new add-ons: the new Gold Mirado and the Loot Vending Machines from which players can acquire tools similar to Fortnite, but they are indestructible and damaging them will alert other players to your place.

Of course, the fifth season is no different from previous seasons in that it has a new Survivor Pass that comes with different and varied rewards as usual. As for the new fixes , we will get some modifications in the user interfaces and sporadic improvements in sound and performance that you can find out through the official notes on the game site.

You can download the new update starting now on test server on the PC, and is expected to be officially launched once the trials are completed sometime next week and later for home platforms.

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Sam Edge

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