Video Games News

Rainbow Six: Siege new Operation Ember Rise revealed with new Operators and more

Ubisoft came to announce it officially: long-awaited Operation Ember Rise is finally here, with several things that will make Rainbow Six: Siege fans eager to try it, and other things that many may not agree with



As usual with the launch of operations content, Ember Rise comes with new Operators – which consist of attacker Amaru and defender Goyo, as well as a rework of the classic Kanal map.

The new characters will add significantly different gameplay variations than Operation Phantom Sight ops, for example, with Amaru being equipped with a hook of sort to traverse through open floors and windows that aren’t barricaded.

Mexican defender Goyo has his own Volcan Shield, which allows the operator to place an incendiary device behind the shield, making it a mobile firebomb that can be shot to engulf an entire floor in fire.

The improved Kanal map also looks great with big changes to its basic layout, which was not initially designed to accommodate the full game capabilities with the launch of different Operators over the past years. Two of the problems that have been solved in the new map are the “Spawn Peek” and the uncomfortable bomb location, two of which players have long complained about.

Moving on to the second part of tonight’s announcements, the upcoming new addition to Rainbow Six may not be a welcome one for all players. Battle Pass system of other popular multiplayer games’ fame like Fortnite and PUBG is making its way to R6. If you do not know what Battle Pass is, it is usually a paid reward system that gives the player challenges to do to collect points and advance in levels, thus obtaining various cosmetic rewards depending on the level.

The beginning will be with Ember Rise, with Ubisoft introducing a “Mini Battle Pass” content to give players an example of the full content that will come later. This is not the first time Rainbow Six Siege has played catch up with the latest multiplayer trends, with the introduction of the Loot Box concept in the form of Alpha Packs back in 2017.

The mini-pass called “Call Me Harry” will be free to all players this time, and will include rewards consisting of a few cosmetics that players have gotten used to since launch. This mini Battle Pass will continue until the end of Ember Rise and with it the end of Year 4 content of the game, offering a major paid Battle Pass at the start of the new season.

We don’t yet know how much it will cost you to get that content, but hopefully it will be similar to other games that offer similar content for $ 10- $ 15. It will be interesting to see how players react to this new feature, and whether it is easy to get rewards without paying for additional levels with regular gameplay.


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Sam Edge

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