Video Games News

Riot confirms another game is in the works aside from League of Legends

For the first time in the history of the company that brought us one of the most popular online games ever, Riot is announcing its work on a new game aside from the famous MOBA League of Legends


The news may not come as a surprise if you were following the company’s news closely. The work on a new game was a secret Riot Games could not really hide, with a number of leaks, rumors and, of course, buying Radiant Entertainment a few years ago, headed by Tom Cannon, founder of the world’s largest fighting games championship EVO.

Radiant Entertainment had worked on one small project, Rising Thunder; a fighting game that combines Tom and his brother, Tonny’s love for fighing games with the idea of making all the attacks limited to just one button to make the game accessible to everyone.

Now, three years later, Cannon has revealed that the team at Riot Games has been making a new fighting game during EVO 2019 , but the rest of the details are still unknown. Whether this game is related to League of Legends or perhaps a sequel to Rising Thunder is something we do not know yet.

It is interesting to note that Tom’s upcoming game is the first of Riot Games since it launched League of Legends. It has gained its reputation as a one-game studio, which is about to change very soon with it expanding into other promising projects, one of which is the League of Legends  for smartphones.

Now that the game is officially announced, Riot fans can look forward to it, and they will be more awake than ever before to try and capture any evidence that may be leaked here and there. We do not know when the game will be fully revealed or the date of its release, but we are definitely in close proximity now that it had been officially disclosed.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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