League of LegendsVideo Games News

Riot is unveil the full new update for duo Nunu and Willump’s kit

Nunu and Willump‘s are one of the oldest duo champions in League of Legends, and they’re now getting full amazing update for their kit, according the official announcement by Riot

League of legends nunu willump

The duo is meant to feel more like, well, a duo, rather than a single champion, hence the name change from Nunu to Nunu and Willump. Unlike other champions with a similar theme—like Sejuani and Quinn—Nunu and Willump actually feel like two characters working together, and their abilities only solidify that identity.

All new abilities is here below in this report:

Passive: Call of the Freljord

This revamped passive ability allows Nunu and Willump to potentially make a return to the Rift as a support champion instead of just a jungler. Every time the duo attack an enemy champion, large monster, or structure, the passive activates, increasing Willump’s attack speed and that of a nearby ally, prioritizing ones with the most attack speed. In addition, Willump’s basic attacks will deal area-of-effect damage as long as Call of the Freljord is active.

Q: Consume

The old Nunu’s bread and butter spell, Consume has stayed mostly the same. It still does true damage to monsters and minions and heals Nunu and Willump, though the cast time is much shorter and the spell heals for more if the duo are low on health.

The pair can now activate Consume on enemy champions as well, dealing magic damage. Since Nunu and Willump still receive the heal if they cast the spell on an enemy champion, they might work as a decent solo laner.

W: Biggest Snowball Ever!      

This ability might be the most fun one in the kit. Willump begins rolling a massive snowball that increases in size the farther it is pushed. When it hits an enemy champion, a wall, or a large monster, the snowball explodes and knocks up nearby enemies.

The ability can also be reactivated to send it flying in a straight line, knocking up minions and enemy champions in its path. The ability does more damage and has a longer knockup the farther it travels.

E: Snowball Barrage

Nunu fires off a barrage of snowballs, slowing and applying enemies hit with Snowbound. Nunu can fire up to three volleys at once, and when the ability ends any Snowbound enemies that are near the duo are rooted.

R: Absolute Zero

This ability stays essentially the same as before, with Nunu and Willump dealing damage in a large area after some time. Nunu and Willump also receive a shield when the ability is channeling. The slow and damage on the ultimate also increase the longer it is channeled.

Maynew dueNunu and Willump abilities arrive with upcoming patch 8.17 in two weeks from now.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

لاعب شغوف يحب تجربة كافة أنواع الألعاب ومتابع لأخبارها ونواحيها المختلفة. ليست لديه أدنى مشكلة في العودة للعب بعض الألعاب الكلاسيكية القديمة بين الحين والآخر كونه مايزال يظن بأن ذلك كان العصر الذهبي للألعاب.

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