Video Games News

Shroud breaks a new personal record on Twitch as his subscribers count surges

Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek has cemented his position on the international streaming platform Twitch as the largest subscriber of the new year with a new record, having surpassed 100,000 subscribers for the first time in his career.


The former CS: GO player managed to surpass 114,000 last night, increasing his control of the top spot in Twitch and doubling the second-highest number of Timothy Tim TimTatman Betar, with Tyler “Ninja” Blevins seeing a decline in subscribers since the start of 2019 having lost nearly 200,000 subscribers from 250k last year to 28k this year. However, he’s still holding the title of the most followed streamer with 13 million followers, exceeding 6 million for “Shroud.”

If you’re unfamiliar with how Twitch works, there are two important numbers here: Followers and Subscribers. While Followers receive their favorite streamer notifications when their live stream goes up for free, subscribers pay around $5 to subscribe to their favorite content creator for a full month to get access to exclusive features such as using Emotes for the channel, access to live stream chat and more. At least half of that value is paid to the broadcaster, so it’s safe to say that Shroud gets more than $250,000 a month nowadays, surpassing all his achievements in the professional Counter-Strike tournaments with Cloud9 and all the achievements we hope to achieve in our daily lives.

The big increase in number of Shroud subscribers was partly due to the increased popularity of the  newly released battle royale game Apex Legends, as he’s considered by many to be one of the best players of it and the most fun to watch. With Apex gaining control over the Twitch platform to beat its rival Fortnite in the number of viewers, it is easy to see why its professional players are also becoming more famous.

Shroud has officially retired from pro scene in 2017 after three years of CS: GO participation with Cloud9, where he has won a number of Top 3 titles, but has never held a Major title in the game, focusing his entire career as Streamer, he has many achievements in games such as PUBG, CoD: Blackout, Rainbow Six Siege and recently reached third place in the first Apex Legends Championship on Twitch.

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Sam Edge

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