Video Games News

Sony officially talks about its next gen PS5 console

After rumors over the past two years started circling around Sony’s intent to introduce its next gen home console, the successor to the widely successful PS4 has finally been mentioned officially, as CEO gave clear hints on the PS5


Although the next device was not called PlayStation 5 or PS5 directly, Sony’s CEO words can be seen as the official confirmation we waited for. Kenichiro Yoshida spoke in a new interview with the Financial Times about a number of the company’s current plans, including the video game business.

“At this point, all I can say is that we have to have a next gen hardware” A phrase that was enough to spark the enthusiasm of millions of players who were waiting for a new Sony device to be the heir to the PS4 platform that was released nearly six years ago in 2013.

According to the sources, the initial indicators seem to be about a platform that will not be radically different from the PS4 architecture, which will follow the company’s own policy in easy-to-develop hardware that gives programmers a familiar environment to bring their titles on. According to AMD’s financial reports this year, it seems that Sony will be using the company’s technologies again for the processing and graphics units built on the upcoming Navi architecture.

Although talking about next gen consoles may seem early or surprising to many, Microsoft itself has announced its own new generation platform earlier this year at E3, where Phil Spencer mentioned that the team responsible for developing Xbox One X is working on a device “to set the benchmark” for gaming consoles.

Does this mean that we are getting closer to see the next round of the infamous console wars? E3 2019 will be interesting with these possibilities looming on the horizon, but for now, Sony’s latest PS4 platform still has a number of recently released or soon-to-be-released titles, including The Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding, while players are enjoying Marvel’s Spider-Man which is on its way to becoming one of the best selling exclusives of the year.

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Sam Edge

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