Video Games News

Steep decline in Apex Legends views is making players worry about the future of the game

Apex Legends, the game that we thought will rival Fortnite on the throne of the Battle Royale games, has begun to lose its sparkle, facing the greatest threat all the titles of these days – the loss of players’ interest


Despite having the most successful launch In the history of free to play games, and the achievement of multiple records competing with Fortnite, the past two months have seen a sharp decline in the number of views of the game through Twitch compared to February, Apex achieved only about 10% of the average views that itiused to get when it was launched, where it was revealed that the number of views in the month of April has reached 40 thousand only, while the game used to get about 300 thousand views in the first weeks of its launch.

The reason for this sudden regression? the most important reason may be the low interest of players in general. Since the launch of the game in February we have only had one new hero and one weapon, while the content of the awaited Battle Pass had no interesting additions and was a disappointment to many, not to mention the map of the game, which is still the same since the release without any signs of changes coming or even a new map unlike competing titles Fortnite and PUBG, which continue to add content periodically.

The fact that Apex is still full of problems at the moment doesn’t help either, with sudden interruptions in connections without the ability to return, new loopholes with each update, and cheaters who continue to invade the game.

Although All of this may mean the end of any other game, Apex still has the ability to return if huge updates are launched that bring back the interest of the players again. Until then, we’ll continue to see Apex Legends trailing behind Fortnite, League of Legends and CS: GO in the list of the most watched games on Twitch.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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