Esports News

This guy took his favorite game to the school’s prom

Just when you think video game lovers can’t get any crazier. A guy from California sat the social media on fire yesterday when he posted pictures of him and his “partner” in the school’s prom which was non other than a video game, Super Smash Bros Melee.

Chriss Burwell, 17 years old, started the idea as a joke meant to be directed at the fans of the game in one of the Facebook groups he’s in. However, his story went viral the other day where millions found the thing hilarious. Chris took the game’s disc to his prom midst of everyone’s amusement and laughters to what he did.

The shared affection between Melee and Chris started when he was in the fifth grade as he played it on his Gamecube. Ever since then SSBM became his favorite game and Marth his favorite character. The reason why Mr. Burwell here decided to take the game with him was because “No one’s loyal these days but Melee’s always there for you.”

“When I first posted it to the Facebook group Melee Hell and it was popular I expected that because we were all fans of the game and ‘in’ on the joke,” he said. “But I never expected [it] to leave the fighting game community really. In the end it felt nice because (for the most part) people were positive about it and I gained a lot of followers. I’m still very surprised at how big this has gotten though.”


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Sam Edge

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